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Lyfe Design Coaching presents

"Design Your Next Chapter"


This program is designed to guide you on how to “design the next chapter” of your life.  Perhaps you’ve survived a crisis such as an illness or lost a spouse or significant family member. Maybe you suffered a job loss, had a major financial setback or lost a business. I’ve been through all of that and more and I can relate in so many ways. 

I never thought I would find myself single and widowed at age 61, losing my business while raising two sons and facing some really serious health challenges but I survived and so can you. It's time to gift yourself the opportunity to recalibrate, reset and reclaim your life. It’s time to “design your next chapter” or life will just pass you by.


This program will teach you the tools and mindset necessary to start all over again, to pick up where you left off but on your own terms. You will learn all about my signature SafeTNet method and how it can jumpstart your mindset in any given moment from feeling lost and confused to feeling empowered and protected while you navigate the tools necessary to get your life back on track.


Imagine how exciting your next chapter will be when you have the tools along with a step-by-step guide and practices to help you live life with more purpose and happiness.


There are three primary sections in this program, Embrace, EmBODY, and Emerge which are divided into seven modules. Each one is designed to gently guide and lift you to the next level of your soul’s evolvement, next chapter and life purpose.

You will learn how to “embrace” your current situation, “embody” who you really are and “emerge” as the NEW YOU while embarking on your next chapter of life.  There are no mistakes as to why you have endured a life changing crisis and there is only growth and enlightenment calling you forth. You’re exactly where you need to be in order to allow your next chapter in life to emerge. Otherwise, your pain will continue to push you, nag you and rob you of the life you deserve. By investing in a personalized coaching/mentoring program uniquely designed for you; will give you the tools to catch that vision. My role as a mentor/coach teach you the tools, keep you on tract, hold you accountable, celebrate your wins and support you through any setbacks, and there will be a few as that’s part of elevating, until you breakfree to a new way of life.  Your journey begins NOW!  





How to surrender to the situation and reallly "let go"



How to activate the "law of free will" to receive guidance and insights



How practice the vibration before the outcome  



Expect and Allow

What does it take to have confidence that everything is working for you not against you and allowing the process.


Exceed your expectations

How to set the intentions that will lead to exceeding your expectations.



How to create and activate a "passion project"



How to discover your highest purpose.



How to maintain a powerful mindset in  gratitude despite the circumstances.

LYFE Design Coaching presents

"Discover your Personal Path to Happiness"


This program is designed to guide you to discover happiness again.  After the tragic loss of my late husband to suicide, I couldn't imagine that happiness would ever be an option in my life again. What I discovered is I had an amazing capacity to love. I wasn't looking to replace the love I had but I was open to exploring my heart and see where it would take me.  In this program you will discover the key ingredients to finding happiness that worked for me, how to open up your capacity to love, and how to maintain joy at core of your being.  There are three primary sections in this program divided into six modules, Pain the teacher, Passion the life force and Purpose the reason or your "why".  Once you discover how to take responsibility for your own happiness and what action steps you need to take, you can shift your mindset to living a more happy and productive life no matter what the circumstances are.  There is no certainty in life other than things will change and the only thing you really have control over is how you choose your thoughts. Start by learning the tools and how to make choosing "happy" your driving force for everyday living.



Believe that being happy is possible.


What you appreciate, appreciates and increases in value.


Fall in love with your dream. You have nothing to lose unless you don’t try!


Contribution - When you’re happy, you want to give back.


Say YES to your happiness and discover what that yields.

Pain the Teacher

Is this the club you don't remember signing up for?


Understanding pain as the teacher.


How to embrace the gifts and blessings


Tools and affirmations to help move through pain.


Passion the Lifeforce

How to discover your passions and hidden talents.


How to tune into your inner voice and listen to guidance.


How to launch rockets of desire and take action


How to create a Passion Project




Purpose and Contribution


How to take your passion to the next level.


How to monetize your passion project


How passion leads to purpose.


Discover your personal purpose.


Learn how to choose and implement "Happy" as a way of life.


Explore ways to contribute your gifts and talents for the highest good








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